
The Swan Trust SCIO Seeks New Trustees

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  • The Swan Trust SCIO Seeks New Trustees

14 September 2022

The Swan Trust SCIO, is seeking Trustees to help shape the future of the Trust and develop opportunities for everyone to interact with Shetland’s community asset, the Swan, LK 243.

David Goodlad, Chair of The Trust said: “We are looking for people from a range of backgrounds and ages to join our board and help steer the Trust forward. With the success of this season, and The Tall Ships Races coming back to Shetland next year, this is an exciting time for the Trust. We have also been busy on the management side, with the creation of a new business plan and 4 year strategy last year, and recently becoming a SCIO. If you have some time to spare and would like to help develop one of Shetland’s most valued community assets please get in touch for an information pack.”

Being built in Shetland in 1900, and part of a massive European herring fishery, the Swan is an important part of Shetland’s maritime heritage. As part of The UK National Historic Fleet, she is also important in a national context. However, her restoration in the early 1990s was never about just preserving this important heritage asset, it was about opening her up to the community, to learn about our past and build new skills for the future. Relaunched as a sail training vessel in 1996, the Trust has over 25 years’ experience in delivering life changing sail training opportunities aboard the Swan, especially to our young people, and has kept the skills of maintaining and sailing a traditional vessel of this type alive.

Many previous trainees have gone onto marine careers and, even those who found a life at sea was not for them, have stated that a sail training experience aboard the Swan is one of the best, most memorable, and transformational of their life. The Trust also offers a range of on shore opportunities for our community, and has an expanding volunteer base.

The Trust is seeking enthusiastic people with a range of skills and interests, including but not restricted to: marketing and promotion, finance and fundraising, the current maritime environment, and the maintenance and operation of heritage boats. It is also committed to recruiting a diverse Trustee board, and would welcome applications from a range of backgrounds and experience.

Trustee, Mary Irvine, said: “We would like to welcome a broader range of folk to the board and, as well as recruiting new skills and expertise, existing trustees are looking to share the knowledge they have built up over many years with younger individuals who may want to be more involved in the management of maintenance and operational issues. The board is very welcoming, and new members can expect to play a meaningful part in the management and development of the Trust.”

The Board of Trustees meets every month. Meetings can either be in person or by video conference, with some meetings attended by both means.

For anyone interested in being a Trustee, you can request further information and an application pack by contacting [email protected]. The closing date is 21st October 2022.

If you would like to support The Swan Trust SCIO in other ways, follow these links to donate, volunteer, or book an upcoming trip.


Want to get involved in maintaining and operating a traditional wooden sailing vessel? There are a number of different ways you can volunteer to safeguard, care for and sail this unique heritage asset.

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