
Summer Season 2024 Underway

7 May 2024

Trustees and Swan Crew were delighted to be back on the water last week with the first of the public sails for the summer 2024 season. A full day and a half day trip was organised over a busy weekend with many visitors in the isles for the Shetland Folk Festival.

On Thursday 2nd May, skipper Scott Sandison took advantage of the good weather and favourable conditions to head out of Scalloway and down to the island of South Havra, off Burra.

Sun cream was certainly needed by the passengers who enjoyed a memorable trip, and were able to get ashore on to the island to explore. South Havra used to be inhabited, but has been empty for many years now and is a hard place to get to without good weather and a small boat to land on the beach.

Swan anchored off the island and passengers went ashore in the dinghy while the crew made lunch. After a good feed and plenty of chance to explore, the group sailed back up to Scalloway.

Saturday's half day sail took passengers north up the west coast to Whiteness with a better wind for saililng but not so much sunshine and no need for sun cream!

Thanks to Ian Nicolson and Calum Tait for the great photos.


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