
The Swan Trust SCIO

The Swan Trust was originally formed as a Scottish Charity in 1990, and became a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) in 2022, when it was renamed The Swan Trust SCIO. It is responsible for the operation and upkeep of the Swan.

The Trust's objects are mainly:

  • The advancement of education by encouraging people (particularly young people) to sail on the Swan, and thereby teach and keep alive the technique of sailing and working a traditional Fifie such as the Swan;
  • The advancement of heritage and culture, in particular by maintaining the Swan as a working vessel so that she may be preserved and open to public as part of our maritime and fishing heritage for future generations;
  • The advancement of public participation in sport, by organising sailing trips on the Swan for members of the public.
The Trust has two committees, namely:
  • The Swan Trustees Committee
    The Trustees Committee oversees the effective running of The Swan Trust, its employees and finances.
  • The Operations Committee
    The Operations Committee deals with the day to day running of the Swan, including the diary, crewing, maintenance, etc.
Scottish Charity Number SC051822



Want to get involved in maintaining and operating a traditional wooden sailing vessel? There are a number of different ways you can volunteer to safeguard, care for and sail this unique heritage asset.

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